VRMA Advocacy Updates

Update: April 12, 2020

VRMA has launched a new advocacy center to help tell your story and they need your help. Tell your elected leaders how COVID-19 is affecting you and your business. It is crucial that we tell our stories during this crisis. The vacation rental industry is often misunderstood, and your letter will help convey why there is a need for more funding for small businesses and individuals.

Update: March 27, 2020

The stimulus package is about to become law and contains a lot of help for small businesses, however, travel oriented businesses are being hurt the most! This Advocacy Webinar Video explains how you can get involved right now to help fight for recovery assistance in the coming days, weeks and months ahead

The following is a letter from Toby Babich, President of Vacation Rental Management Association.

Use the VRMA advocacy center to send this letter. It is as easy as a click of a button! We encourage you to add personal commentary about how this pandemic and current economic crisis is affecting you, your business, and your community.

Click to Send Letter
Click to Send Letter